
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *   Copyright (C) 2007 by Pierre Schmitt, Ludovic Giacomello, Nhi Ly      *
00003  *                                                                         *
00004  *                                                                         *
00005  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00006  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00007  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00008  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00009  *                                                                         *
00010  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
00011  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
00013  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
00014  *                                                                         *
00015  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
00016  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
00017  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
00018  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
00019  ***************************************************************************/
00021 #include "ClientSP.h"
00023 ClientSP::ClientSP(string adresse, unsigned int port, string login, string mdp){ 
00024         mSocket=new SocketTCP(adresse,port);
00025         mPortRenseigne=false;
00026         mPort=0;
00027         Traitement(login, mdp);
00028 }
00030 ClientSP::~ClientSP(){
00031          delete mSocket; 
00032 }
00034 void ClientSP::Traitement(string login, string mdp){
00035         SendHello();
00036         string rep;
00037         do{
00038                 cout<<"Etes-vous déjà utilisateur? o/n "; cin>>rep;
00039                 if(rep=="o"){
00040                         SendLogin(login,mdp); break;
00041                 } else if(rep=="n"){
00042                         RegLogin(login,mdp); break;
00043                 }
00044         } while(1);
00045         rep="";
00046         do{
00047                 cout<<endl;
00048                 cout<<"p Lister les parties"<<endl;
00049                 cout<<"s Avoir les scores"<<endl;
00050                 cout<<"c Choisir ou créer une partie"<<endl<<">"; cin>>rep;
00051                 if(rep=="p"){
00052                         ListerPartie();
00053                 } else if(rep=="s"){
00054                         ListerScore();
00055                 } else if(rep=="c"){
00056                         ChoisirPartie(); break;
00057                 }
00058         } while(1);
00061 }
00063 void ClientSP::SendHello(){
00064         while(1){
00065                 cout<<"Initialisation du protocole avec le serveur";
00066                 mSocket->Envoyer("HELLO");
00067                 if(mSocket->Ecouter()!="HELLO") printf( "\e[31m [Echec]\n\e[m");
00068                 else {
00069                         printf( "\e[32m [OK]\n\e[m");
00070                         break;
00071                 }
00072         }
00073 }
00075 void ClientSP::SendLogin(string login, string mdp){
00076         string retour, reponse;
00077         while(1){
00078                 cout<<"Envoi du login au serveur"<<endl;
00079                 while(login==""){
00080                         cout<<"Login: "; cin>>login;
00081                 }
00082                 while(mdp==""){
00083                         cout<<"Mot de passe: "; cin>>mdp;
00084                 }
00085                 reponse="LOGIN "; reponse+=login; reponse+=" "; reponse +=mdp;
00086                 mSocket->Envoyer(reponse);
00087                 if(mSocket->Ecouter()=="LOGIN OK") break;
00088                 else {
00089                         login=""; mdp="";
00090                 }
00092         }
00093         mLogin=login;
00094 }
00096 void ClientSP::RegLogin(string login, string mdp){
00097         string retour;
00098         while(1){
00099                 cout<<"Création d'un compte"<<endl;
00100                 while(login==""){
00101                         cout<<"Login: "; cin>>login;
00102                 }
00103                 while(mdp==""){
00104                         cout<<"Mot de passe: "; cin>>mdp;
00105                 }
00106                 string reponse="REG "; reponse+=login; reponse+=" "; reponse +=mdp;
00107                 mSocket->Envoyer(reponse);
00108                 if(mSocket->Ecouter()=="REG OK") break;
00109                 else {
00110                         login=""; mdp="";
00111                 }
00112         }
00113 }
00115 unsigned int ClientSP::ListerPartie(){
00116         mSocket->Envoyer("LIST");
00117         string line=mSocket->Ecouter();
00118         istringstream iss(line);
00119         string cmd;
00120         getline(iss,cmd,' '); 
00121         unsigned int nb=0;
00122         if(cmd=="LIST"){
00123                 cout<<endl<<"Liste des parties en cours :"<<endl;
00124                 do{
00125                         string port, nbFantome;
00126                         getline(iss,port,' '); getline(iss,nbFantome,' ');
00127                         if(port!=""){
00128                                 nb++;
00129                                 cout<<nb<<") sur le port "<<port<<" avec "<<nbFantome<<" automatiques"<<endl;
00130                                 string loginP, scoreP;
00131                                 getline(iss,loginP,' '); getline(iss,scoreP,' ');
00132                                 if(loginP=="libre") cout<<"\tPacman [libre] "<<endl;
00133                                 else cout<<"\tPacman [déja connecté] : "<<loginP<<" avec un score de "<<scoreP<<endl;
00134                                 for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
00135                                         string loginF, scoreF;
00136                                         getline(iss,loginF,' '); getline(iss,scoreF,' ');
00137                                         if(loginF=="libre") cout<<"\tFantome "<<i<<" [libre] "<<endl;
00138                                         else cout<<"\tFantome "<<i<<" [déja connecté] : "<<loginF<<" avec un score de "<<scoreF<<endl;
00139                                 }
00140                         } else {
00141                                 cout<<"\tAucune partie en cours"<<endl;
00142                                 break;
00143                         }
00144                         string continuer;
00145                         getline(iss,continuer,' ');
00146                         if(continuer!=":") break;
00147                 } while(1);
00148         } else cout<<"pas de LIST reçu"<<endl;
00149         return nb;
00150 }
00152 void ClientSP::ListerScore(){
00153         mSocket->Envoyer("SCORE");
00154         string line=mSocket->Ecouter();
00155         istringstream iss(line);
00156         string cmd;
00157         getline(iss,cmd,' '); 
00158         if(cmd=="SCORE"){
00159                 cout<<endl<<"Liste des scores :"<<endl;
00160                 do{
00161                         string login, score;
00162                         getline(iss,login,' '); getline(iss,score,' ');
00163                         if(login!=""){
00164                                 cout<<login<<" avec un score de "<<score<<endl;
00165                         } else {
00166                                 cout<<"\tAucun score enregistré"<<endl;
00167                                 break;
00168                         }
00169                         string continuer;
00170                         getline(iss,continuer,' ');
00171                         if(continuer!=":") break;
00172                 } while(1);
00173         } cout<<"pas de SCORE reçu"<<endl;
00174 }
00176 void ClientSP::ChoisirPartie(){
00177         unsigned int nb=ListerPartie();
00178         mSocket->Envoyer("SUITE");
00179         if(mSocket->Ecouter()=="SUITE"){
00180                 while(1){
00181                         if(nb!=0){
00182                                 cout<<"Pour rejoindre une partie entrez le port sinon 'c' pour en créer une"<<endl;
00183                                 string c;
00184                                 cout<<">"; cin>>c;
00185                                 if(c=="c"){
00186                                         if(CreationPartie()!=-1) break;
00187                                 } else if(RejoindrePartie(c)!=-1) break;
00188                         } else if(CreationPartie()!=-1) break;
00189                 }
00190         } cout<<"pas de SUITE reçu"<<endl;
00191 }
00193 int ClientSP::RejoindrePartie(string port){
00194         string cmd="JOIN "; cmd+=port;
00195         mSocket->Envoyer(cmd);
00196         string retour=mSocket->Ecouter();
00197         string resultat, confirmationPort;
00198         istringstream iss(retour);
00199         getline(iss,resultat,' ');
00200         if (resultat=="GAME"){
00201                 getline(iss,confirmationPort,' ');
00202                 if (confirmationPort!=""){
00203                         mPortRenseigne=true;
00204                         istringstream iss(confirmationPort);
00205                         iss >> mPort;
00206                         return 1;
00207                 }
00208         }
00209         return -1;
00210 }
00213 int ClientSP::CreationPartie(){
00214         string nbFantome, retour;
00215         do{
00216                 cout<<"Demande de création de la partie"<<endl;
00217                 while(nbFantome==""){
00218                         cout<<"Nombre de fantomes automatiques: "; cin>>nbFantome;
00219                 }
00220                 string reponse="GAME "; reponse+=nbFantome;
00221                 mSocket->Envoyer(reponse);
00222                 retour=mSocket->Ecouter();
00223                 string cmd, port;
00224                 istringstream iss(retour);
00225                 getline(iss,cmd,' ');
00226                 if (cmd=="GAME"){
00227                         getline(iss,port,' ');
00228                         if (port!=""){
00229                                 mPortRenseigne=true;
00230                                 istringstream iss(port);
00231                                 iss >> mPort;
00232                                 return 1;
00233                         }
00234                 }
00235                 nbFantome="";
00236         } while(1);
00237 }

Generated on Wed Jan 2 14:01:41 2008 for Pacman by  doxygen 1.5.1